Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference 2024

This year’s Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics was notably successful for the HUN-REN Research Group of Morphodynamics: four students of the group were among the winners of different prizes:
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Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference 2023

At this year’s Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, five presentations were related to Morphodynamics: Máté Szondi (1st Prize + Pro Progressio Special Prize), Gergő Almádi (1st Prize), Gergő Almádi and Eszter Ferencz (3rd Prize), Kinga Kocsis (Special award of the Department of Geometry and Morphology + Special award for presentation), Emese Sarolta Encz and Gergely Barta (Special award of the Department of Geometry and Morphology).
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National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference 2023

Several presentations were held in the session for Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences of the 36th National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in relation with the Morphodynamics Research Group. Gergő Almádi has been awarded by 3rd prize for his presentation entitled Inhomogén politópok mechanikai komplexitása – avagy van-e egy tetraédernek lelke?, under the supervision of Gábor Domokos and Krisztina Regős. Ágoston Szesztay (Iteratív módon csonkolt poliéderek statikai egyenúlyáról) and Máté Szondi (A kvantummechanikai állapottér egy felbontása által indukált geometria) got special prizes.
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