A public lecture has been presented within the framework of Celebration of Hungarian Science (“Magyar tudomány ünnepe”) by Sándor Bozóki. The lecture (in Hungarian) is available at the following link:
Proof of non-existence of mono-unstable polyhedra by means of inequalities (Monoinstabil poliéderek nemlétezésének igazolása egyenlőtlenségekkel)
Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference 2023
At this year’s Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, five presentations were related to Morphodynamics: Máté Szondi (1st Prize + Pro Progressio Special Prize), Gergő Almádi (1st Prize), Gergő Almádi and Eszter Ferencz (3rd Prize), Kinga Kocsis (Special award of the Department of Geometry and Morphology + Special award for presentation), Emese Sarolta Encz and Gergely Barta (Special award of the Department of Geometry and Morphology).
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Public lecture of András Sipos on shape evolution in Nature
A public lecture has been presented within the framework of Celebration of Hungarian Science (“Magyar tudomány ünnepe”) by András Sipos. The lecture (in Hungarian) is available at the following link:
Geometry and evolution of shapes in Nature (Geometria és alakfejlődés a természetben)
Applied Mathematics Day 2023
Two lectures will be presented at BME Applied Mathematics Day 2023, organized on 5th December, BME building Q, auditorium AF14.
A portrait of Gábor Domokos in MIT Technology Review
A professional portrait of Gábor Domokos, leader of the HUN-REN-BME Morphodynamics Researh Group, has recently been published in MIT Technology Review by Elise Cutts.